Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC) is the statistical calculation that determines if conditions on a day of play differed from normal playing conditions to the extent that they significantly impacted players' performance.

The Basics of the PCC are:

  • It is a once a day calculation
  • It uses all acceptable scores posted from that course.
  • For a PCC to be calculated 8 scores are required and these must be from players with a Handicap Index® of 36.0 or better, less than this the PCC will remain at 0.
  • Only those players with a fully developed record will be included.

Adjustments will range between -1.0 (when the golf course is playing easier) and +3.0 (when conditions are more challenging) and will be applied within the Score Differential calculation.

Club handicap committees will be able to look into this further via the PCC report they can run on the WHS™ portal directly.

Please remember that the PCC is conservative in its approach and that average wind speed is already included in rating values.