If your playing partner has sent a scorecard for you to approve, but you have not received it, there are a few things to check.

  • You can only verify a scorecard through the MyEG app so if you have logged in through the web portal you will not receive a message to approve. If it says "Welcome NAME" when you log in that shows that you have logged in through the web portal. Log out and try again through the app
  • Has the player sent the scorecard to the correct playing partner? The app always defaults to the players home club so if you are a member of a different club it is important to filter by the correct club
  • Double check that you have the correct email address set up in the app. If it is incorrect you will not receive a notification to verify

To provide further support here is a step by step guide showing how to approve a scorecard:

Firstly, you must ensure your marker/verifier also has the most up-to-date version of the MyEG app (including the score entry icon) then you can select them as your verifier/marker for your scorecard.


1: Look at the foot of the page and you will see there is a message for you




Chart, line chart

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2: Open the “Messages” page and the request to approve a score message will be at the top of the list:





Graphical user interface, application

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 3: Select that message and check the final score is correct




A picture containing chart

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4: If the score is correct you just select “Approve”. If, however, there is a discrepancy you select “Reject” and provide a rationale as to why.


5: You will then receive a notification that the status of that request has been updated.



Graphical user interface, application

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6: The player who requested approval will receive a message to confirm this has been approved and it will update their handicap