In the first instance, if you have not received your verification code email please be sure to check your spam/junk folder first, then please check with your golf club which email address they have registered for you in their WHS™ system as this is the email address that the verification code will be sent to.

If your email address is incorrect at the club they will need to update it in their WHS system to ensure it is up to date for your profile, and to ensure you receive your verification code email at sign-up – you will then be required to re-attempt sign-up once the email address has been corrected at the club. Your club may need to update your details manually to their club system directly which will automatically update the WHS portal. 

Please be advised the code is valid for 24 hours so if you don’t use the code within that timeframe you will need to re-attempt sign-up to get a new verification code. If you have requested more than one verification code please ensure you use the most recent one received, as each code expires when a new one is requested.

Please be aware your verification code email will be from the email address ‘[email protected]’ with the email subject ‘Verify your email – My Golf’.
