The following steps should be taken to add a member with no known previous membership number or is brand new to golf.
Note: for overseas members they will require an English record creating (as per below steps) and then any historical/overseas scores manually adding to their newly created record, until the global merger of all global systems has been implemented.
- Select the ‘Members’ tab:
- Select ‘New Member’ to take you to the ‘Add Member’ screen:
Note: If you have a possible membership number (formerly known as CHD id) you can enter it in the ‘Previous Membership’ field to search for it, if no matches are found continue with the following steps.
- Complete all fields:
- Populate First and Last Name fields
- Select Gender
- Add email address
- Enter Date of Birth (DOB)
- Select Club Category - Unless you have set up additional categories use UDEF as a default
Additional notes:
Please ensure the member’s Date of Birth and Email address are accurately recorded as a minimum within the WHS platform, without this information the Handicap Index will not be activated for use and the member will be unable to access their WHS My England Golf member account or MyEG app and any of their affiliation benefits.
- Click ‘Submit’:
- Should any of the information provided (name, email address, DOB) match a player already in the system you will be shown the ‘potential duplicates’ that already exist within the WHS system with a membership number. You then have the ability to use the existing membership number by clicking ‘Merge’ next to the relevant ‘duplicate’ as shown below (this avoids any new membership numbers being created where a membership number/member record already exists):
- Should any of the information provided (name, email address, DOB) match a player already in the system you will be shown the ‘potential duplicates’ that already exist within the WHS system with a membership number. You then have the ability to use the existing membership number by clicking ‘Merge’ next to the relevant ‘duplicate’ as shown below (this avoids any new membership numbers being created where a membership number/member record already exists):
Note: This will ensure the existing membership number (formerly known as CDH id) can be used by the member rather than creating a new (duplicate) record for the member.
- If there is no match on the data provided you can select ‘Create New Member’ at the bottom of the screen:
Note: This will create a membership number (formerly known as CDH id) for the member.
Member is now free to start adding scores to generate a Handicap Index.